Saturday, April 24, 2010

What a Week!!!

It has been busy at the Holden house this week....

We had Ava's 2 month check-up on Monday. She is a big girl!!!! She weighed in at 12 lbs. even (90th percentile). She is 24 3/4 in. long (95th-100th percentile). Her head circumference is now 16 1/4 around (95th percentile). I read that most babies at 2 months are taking anywhere from 1-4 oz. at each feeding, not our sweetie, she takes 6 oz. 7 times a day and sometimes still acts hungry! The whole time I was pregnant, Chase said he wanted a chubby baby. Well, he got his wish!!! She has already started teething as well. She has some rough days when her gums really hurt her. The bad news is that does not mean that she will be done teething sooner, only that the whole process will last longer since she started early. She got 4 shots! I was so glad Chase was there because I had to leave the room :( I couldn't stand it, but she did great! It made for a great night's sleep--haha! Overall, she was healthy as horse!!! She is growing and getting sweeter everyday. She smiles more, holds her head up longer, wants to put weight on her legs, and keeps trying to roll over.

Ava and Dr. Sester

Ava standing up with little help. Bouncing soon followed

Being measured

I went back to work on Wednesday after being off with my sweet little angel for 9 weeks! It has been a very difficult week, but I was glad to only have to work 3 days and 1 of those being a day without the kiddos. She slept at Mom's on Tuesday night after Chase convinced me that it was best for me to get a full night's sleep for the first time in 9 weeks! I cried the whole way home after dropping her off and then I cried the whole way to work because I missed holding and kissing her but once I got to work I was fine. As those of you who teach know, your mind is on a million things all day long and you are so busy there is really not much time to think about anything outside school. I can honestly say I enjoyed my first day back. It was wonderful to see all my friends and I loved the big smiles and hugs from my kids. However, I couldn't wait to get back to my little girl! Thursday wasn't much easier but by Friday, I was only crying part of the way to work. I am sure it will get easier with time. I am just thankful that I will not be the one who has to take her to the sitter starting in August! We are so appreciative to our families for taking care of her until summer!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy 2 Months Ava!!!

Today, our sweet little girl is officially 2 months old. I can't believe how quickly time has passed and how much she has grown both physically and in personality! She came into this world and turned our world upside down in so many great ways that we could have never imagined.

In the last month she has started smiling daily and babbling constantly. She has been sleeping through the night for two weeks now (thanks to Baby Wise--every new Mom should read this book). She is on a predictable routine that makes our days so easy (most of the time). She is a great little passenger in the car. However, she doesn't like to stop. If she is awake and we stop at a red light or stop sign, she starts crying once she realizes that car isn't moving but as soon as we get going again, she is immediately content :) She is very like her Daddy in that way! He will turn right and go make a U-turn in order to go left before stopping and waiting for a chance to turn left-haha! On Thursday night of this week she rolled over on her own! From her back to her tummy!!! She is so strong and she had been trying for a week. She was very upset that she had worked so hard and we just flipped her back over. Each day is new and wonderful! Looking forward to the changes the next month will bring.
Chase is on a mission! That is usually a scary statement but this time it is a good one. He has decided that we are going to journey through Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover" and pay everything off. At first I was very resistant because that meant he accounted for every penny that I spend and we would not get to eat out like we had been which is one of my favorite things. I am not a big spender but there are things that I do splurge on and I wasn't sure I was ready to give it up. However, once he developed a plan and started charting all of our expenditures and I realized where it was all going I am much more on board. It really is unbelievable that in a short time we could be debt free with only the exception of our house. All we have is Chase's car and my student loans but it adds up. We had our first date night this Friday night that we considered "Dave Ramsey approved." We cooked dinner together at home, then went to the Dollar Movie, and then to Yogurt Mountain! It was a great night out and all for $12. We are learning and with a lot of motivation, self-discipline, and prayer we hope within the next year or two to be able to call in and yell we are "debt free." We know that being financially "fit" will be a huge plus in raising our little girl which is our greatest want!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Our New Journey

I have been inspired by an old friend to start blogging again. I love reading other people's stories so much and I finally have time to stop and think about the past 2 months and how amazing they have been!

Two months ago this Saturday, Chase and I embarked on a new journey--parenthood! It has been a challenge that has been met with blessings, joy, and a new unexplainable love that I cannot put into words. I often find myself holding my sweet little Ava and tears start flowing down my cheek because the experience is so surreal! I have been overjoyed to be able to stay home with her for about 9 weeks now and will return to work next Wednesday which I will admit makes me very nervous!

In the past 2 months, we have had lots fun truly learning how to be Mommy and Daddy! Everyday we are met with new challenges and rewards. Chase is the most amazing Daddy and I thank God daily that that I get to share this journey with him. I learn as much from him as I do from my little angel. We enjoy looking at everything in a new light through the eyes of a child.

Ava is blessed to have so many people who love her. She has lots of grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, and dear friends! I like to stand back and watch all of these other people enjoy and love her. The smiles she brings, the way faces light up when she is in the room, and how others instantly start talking in a more lively voice when is she around is amazing to me. Who knew that a baby could have such an impact on so many adults. She even has not one but two great, great, grandmothers still alive! She got to meet one of them a couple of weeks ago and they took a 5 generation picture which was so special. What a memory!

In the last two months, we have seen our little girl start smiling! What a joy this has been. She will now intentionally look for Chase and I when we talk as well as turn to look at sounds. She is a real wiggle worm and so strong! She can hold her head up all by herself for a pretty long period of time. She can make her legs go stiff so it is next to impossible to put pants on :) Last night, she semi-turned over! Granted she was lying on a pillow so she was a bit elevated but it is a start! She has even started doing "mini push ups" during tummy time. Finally, she has just gained so much personality in this short time that I can't wait to see what the next weeks, months, years will bring.

Ava's 1-Month Pictures at The Botanical Garden

Our Smiley Girl
She loves her baby gym now that she can focus on stuff.
Ava's first Easter basketLook at her holding that head up!!!

We are eternally grateful for the one who gave us our little miracle and pray that he will guide us on our new endeavor to be the best Mommy and Daddy to our sweet Ava Grace!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

I am so blessed to have so many wonderful men in my life that I celebrate on Father's Day. My dad, my father-in-law, my step-dad, my Pappy, and my grandpa that I gained when I got married who reminds so much of my own Grandpa--Glen Holden! Here are some pictures that make me smile when I think of these wonderful men that mean so much to us! Happy Father's Day to all those wonderful Dads and Grandpas out there!

Me and my dad

Chase and his dad on top of the World Trade Center

Chase and Glen (Papaw Holden)

Me and my Pappy <3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 279px; height: 250px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5349629988812647170" border="0">
Lauren and I with Dad at the Plaza in New York

Chase and I with his dad at Disney!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Catching Up

The past two weeks have been super busy with people in and out of town and of course summer school and pd for Chase already. I ended last week with a trip to the beach. I really enjoyed spending time with my mom, sister, and grandmother. The trip was interesting to say the least! However, we shopped at the Foley outlet mall, which Lauren and I loved! We ate great food at LuLu's and The Crab Trap and enjoyed hanging out and having drinks at The Hangout! Oh and the beach was pretty too :). Now I am home and back to the real life meaning summer school! This week was week 3 which which means that as of today I have half of time behind me. I love and anticipate the weekend far more now than I did during the school year. We will be going to a wedding on Saturday for a friend who graduated from Auburn and now works at Creekview with Chase. I love weddings! Especially since I understand now how much time and planning goes into making it a truly special day. Their engagement was so sweet. She teaches 3rd grade and they some how got her out of the room and he got the kids to line up with posters that said "Will you marry me?" and he had the people from the newspaper their to take pictures of the whole thing! I thought it was precious. Also some of our dearest friends, Clarissa and Chris, finally set a date! We were so lucky to get to witness the proposal and be with them to celebrate thier new engagement last Labor Day when we were away with them in Gatlinberg. They are getting married in September and have asked Chase to do the pictures. He is not so sure yet if he is ready to attempt a wedding! I believe he can do it but he just needs to come to the same realization! So big congrats to Amy and Chris this weekend, and Chris and Clarissa as they plan away!!!! So yes, I am sappy when it comes to love and people finding their soul mate. Since, I no longer can imagine what it would be like to be without Chase, it makes so excited when others find that person that completes them and begin the incredible blessing and journey that marriage is!

Friday, June 5, 2009

The end of week one

So I have made it through week one of summer school. It has gotten a little better as I have gained a little more control! I know these kids need a "teacher" more than others but that doesn't make them the easiest "student" by a long shot! So only 5, actually 3 and 1/2 weeks to go!

Those who are close to me know that I embarked on the weight watchers journey in January! I thought I would feel better and be healthier if I dropped some of that college weight..haha. As of yesterday, I have lost 20.8 pounds. It has been tough but I now watch what I eat so much more and exercise! It is fabulous to look back at pictures of only 6 months ago and see the difference!

I am excited about the weekend. One of our friends from Auburn is in town and in search of a job and an apartment somewhere nearby. That is exciting in itself. Chase would really love to have Steven here! Tomorrow is Alabaster City Fest and we are planning on going with Ginger and Soloman, our neighbors, and then we are going to cook out (I love the summer because of cook outs). Then Sunday, my dad is coming to visit! I love having him here. I wish he lived closer!

Well, my sister just got here so that is it for now!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So it begins...

So, I have enjoyed reading blogs of family, friends, and people that I have lost touch with and following their lives so much that I decided it would be neat to blog myself. Now that I have a little bit more time on my hands, I thought this might be something I would enjoy. So it begins...

We have reached our favorite time of the year, summer vacation! Chase is enjoying his first summer in 3 years to do nothing since the past 2 summers have been consumed with knee surgery. I am teaching summer school for the next 6 weeks, then I can take a few weeks off. It is only half days, and I would find myself very bored if I didn't have something to do. However, I believe this will be the first and last time that I teach summer school. It is a different group of kids then the classes I have had during the school year. It has made me really miss my kiddos and realize that I am not cut out to be a kindergarten teacher!!!

We have been taking it easy for a week or so but tomorrow begins a very busy weekend. A weekend full of family, friends, guests, neighbors, cookouts, and City Fest! During the school year, I dread busy weekends but I love them during the summer! We are really looking forward to spending time with friends and family that are coming to visit as well as our sweet neighbors!

The biggest change in our life right now is our search for a new church closer to home! We have been visiting around Alabaster and have found several churches we have enjoyed. We love Shades Crest but have been looking into the future. We have decided that one day when we have kids, we want them to go to church, school, and be neighbors with the same kids. Therefore we are searching for something closer. Finding a new church is always uncomfortable at first. It is hard stepping outside of your comfort zone, especially for me, but we knew we wanted to do it and now is as good a time as any! We are doing lots of praying to find where God will lead us!

Well, I guess that is our life in a nut shell right now. More updates later!